Thursday, May 22, 2008


16/05/08, Friday

Was at Bamboo last Friday night.
Pretty eventful to be honest.
Haha. What with Ally getting pissed drunk. = P
Hope she doesn't kill me for posting it up. *gulps*

Also, I just have to say that this world is too small.
I met Aubrey there (who btw is whom I stole the pics below from. Hehe.) who was Darrel's friend that I met a few years back. And back then her hair was super long. Lol.

And, Audrey I recognized as well 'cos we did our confirmation together two years back.
She was from Jesus Caritas.

Anywho, like I said. The world is getting smaller.
Not many pictures but at least I updated right? Tee-hee.


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