Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thinkthinkthink. And Now My Head Hurts.

Current mood: Stressed, Tired, Drained, Not Happy.

I've been thinking way way way too much these past few days.
It hasn't been doing me any favours except give me headaches.

Firstly, I've recently started on my Fashion Marketing Project I.
I won't bother explaining what its about and telling you all the long details. (Ask me if you want.) But my point here is that its hard.

They say conceptualizing is often the hardest part of a project.
I couldn't agree more. Sigh.
A lot of hard work to be anticipated to make everything work.

God, I hate having to juggle between personal issues and school/work issues.

All I can do is hope and pray that everything will turn out well in the end.

Also, I wanna say something to those who have gone overseas to study.
You know who you are.
Some went a few years back, Some last year and Some this year.

I've been thinking and just want to apologize if I haven't made enough of an effort to keep in touch.
I really didn't mean for it to turn out that way.
I always say that we'll talk loads and stuff but somehow I don't always follow through and I'm sorry for that.
In spite of all that, you guys really do matter a lot to me.
Anyway, I hope all of you are doing well and coping.
I miss you all so much. Really. =)

But its the same for some of the people here whom I don't see often.
We have MSN and Facebook which makes everything even easier, but I still act the same way.

Its odd now that I think about it.
Because I used to make an effort.
I really did.
But now, I think I stopped.
And I have no idea why.

I hope its not because I stopped caring.
If it is, then I guess its true.
People do evolve.
They don't change. They just evolve.
Ah the irony of life.

Hope this makes you stop to think about... Well, anything you want.
People forget to think sometimes. Hehe.

"People is what matters." - Meredith Grey

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