Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Have you ever made a decision that may not have changed anything at all at that time but a few weeks/months/years later you realise what an impact that decision made on a current situation ur at?
It could be anything. Even things that seem small and insignificant at the time.
For example; to go to college or not today, to quit a job or not, to stay in or go out tonight, to reply a text or not etc.
The consequences of that decision could be either good or bad. (though if its bad, its so scary when you think about it.)
But sometimes it amazes me cos even when you yourself don't know it yet, everything somehow some way just seems to fall right into place. All the events just seem to relate. Thats of course in a good or bad way as well. Hehe. Ironic no? (and isn't everything in life ironic? Beautiful yet ugly.)
Okay, maybe you won't understand what I'm talking about here cos it seems like a blur (I'm not a very good at translating my thoughts into words) but try observing the people or things around you and maybe you'll get a better picture.

*This is what came out after talking to Isa lol. Tip of advice from him: Trust your gut feeling when making decisions. May you make the right choices in all that you do. =)
(Ashwin, is this post lousy too? haha)

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