Sunday, January 14, 2007

Birthdays and wishes

You know how everytime its your birthday and you make a wish while you blow off the candles on you're cake? (Well that's if you have a cake =P) Then people always say that you should never ever tell anyone what you wished for 'cos then it won't come true. Obviously i can't remember what I've wished for in the past.. I can only remember what it was last year and this year. I'm not trying to be negative/emo or anything but it didn't really come true last year.. I don't think it came true in the previous years either. The strange thing is that I think I've wished for the same thing a couple of times. So this year it was a different wish. What do you think are the odds of it coming true? Not very high eh? Hehe. So I ask myself this, why do we bother sometimes? Unless of course there's someone out there who's wishes have come true. Let me know yeah? ;)

Hmm.. I wonder who was the genius who came up with this whole wishing idea..

3 comments: said...

n wishes didn't come true either!! but i guess it will someday!! dun worry yea!

Jo said...

well I guess it's just a little hope and faith to help us keep moving on the inside because every year is tough.

Anonymous said...

how come all our names start with a P?

i think all of us make wishes because a tiny little part of us believes that they WILL come true, no matter how ridiculous they are.

anyway. i usually make two wishes. and recently, one of them came true. so.... =)