Tuesday, May 30, 2006


The world is made out of fakers. There is not one single person out there who isn’t fake. No matter how nice or bad they seem to be, there is always a slight portrayal of fakeness. It’s just a matter of how nice or bad. People do things that they themselves know would never do out of fear that they might get rejected. They fake their personalities and characters to feel accepted and in order to feel superior to others. Those who notice this trait and then decide to press on it is just considered prideful. Why is it that not one human being in this world can just be themselves and look past other peoples’ insecurities? We all have our own insecurities yet we seem to feel comfortable about judging others about it. That in my opinion is another act of insecurity. What ever happened to speaking your mind? To being well YOU? Individuality is such a rare thing nowadays. You’d be very lucky to bump into someone who has even a hint of that quality.

*I'm in a foul mood. Example of fakeness: crying to draw sympathy etc. So yes I admit, I am prideful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SHERYL!!!!i don't know how else to reach you! hahahahah anyhow!


you'll do amazing i just know it! :D

make the girls proud! heehee
take care and God bless!!!