Monday, June 13, 2005

Dating issues.. who would have thought?

Well its been ages since i last updated my blog.. somehow i havent had much to blog about.. its been a busy 2 weeks of holidays. hardly felt like one actually.. its been so hectic till i think i hardly have time to even ponder or daydream much lately. Hmm.. well there is this one thing that got me to thinking. what do you guys think about people from other races dating a malay? i mean, is it really wrong to do so? then there's that whole issue about converting if you ever get married and so on and so forth. its just dating.. will it really get that serious to the point where you have to convert? you have to admit, there are parents that are totally against dating malays.. saying how it may get serious and you shouldn't get urself into it.. stressing on the whole conversion hoo-haa. you never know how serious it can get right.. so are you supposed to just totally stay away from it? or go into a relationship thinking that it would be absolutely impossible for you to ever convert?

* First of all, no offense is meant to any malays out there! i'm merely voicing out my opinions and questions. comments please! :)


Joash Chan said...

Well, ideally, the person you date is suppose to be the person you marry. To most, however, this is not the case. And that's just sad... So, the bigger question is - Why do you want to date this particular individual? Malay or not, doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

I kinda try dating malay before. Commentor's right. The question concerning motive is more important than who. What is the value of a date to you? Is it just for physical and emotional gratification? To kill time, loneliness? For the sake of dating? Or is it a means to get to know a potential-soulmate more? I think i have no right to give advice here. But you have to ask yourself la...What does a date mean to you?

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend is a malay and we're just swell.Pork or excess skin isn't gonna stop me from marrying her.And I date to keep dating.So yes,we should stretch a relationship out as long as we can,because...I want it to last forever.i used to try to rationalize how i liked her,why i liked her,whether i should like her.But in the end,trying to rationalize liking someone isn't like comparing the heights of 2 different stacks of dominoes.Some things were meant to be kept primitive and simple.I'd like to tell you more,but it isn't exactly for everyone to read lol.(How come you never asked me if you really wanted to know about dating a malay??)


Sheryl said...

Hey, like just so you know.. i dont rationalize liking someone.. yeah i bet you never knew that tee-hee.. and um.. it must have slipped my mind?? i dont know.. haha.. whats with you jumping to conclusions and all huh?! :P

Anonymous said...

sheryl! why are u asking this question? *smirk* dear, it doesn't matter whether he's a malay or not. as long as both parties lurve each other, and both parties don't mind... why not? =)

Anonymous said...

My name is Abraham Lincoln.

Sheryl said...

Lincoln.. right.. lien yiny, no you dont understand.. its a matter of different faiths.. and it matters a whole lot whether he's malay or makes a big difference to me

Anonymous said...

yeah it DO make a difference to EVERYONE but it depends on how deep is ur luv for him sheryl. it is not wrong to date a malay but for the converting part... if u really think u can sacrifice everything for the one u lurve, juz ignore wat others think ok. *cough* *cough* =p

Sheryl said...

everyone? i think ur missing the point.. yeah ur right. its not wrong to do so.. it has nothing to do with what others think. and as for the converting part, its a choice between the one you love who's a malay and the God who died so that our sins may be forgiven.

* for the record, i'm not in love with a malay or anyone for that matter. just so you know :)

Anonymous said...

sheryl u are absolutely right.couldn't possibly put it better myself.that would be the main dilemma faced by christians and others whose religion is as absolute.i still think u got the hots for a malay dude.

lilgrass said...

your spiritual state right now will affect your decision. but if u let things "go naturally", you'll most probably follow the desire of your flesh which crys out.."...but i love him, is it wrong to love someone and be together??" infatuation, can easily happen to two individuals of the opposite sex. Even if they are of different faith, "soul-ties" and "emotional connection" are possible. you must ponder on the consequences of being "unequally yoked " with non-believers. yes, you may feel happy being with your heart-throb but, would you settle down for any thing less than what God-willed?

*sorry for assuming that "you" are facing the prob, makes it easier to express myself.

Anonymous said...


raycheerache said...

whoA!! looks like i'm a little late for comments... but i HAVE to say that if two people like each other.. i don't see anything wrong for them to be with each other.. and about the religion thingie.. i think it's how strong u stand on your faith... i'm sure u won't let another person draw u away from God right??? and about marriage... i'm asking the same question... on another note.. i think that i WOULD go into a relationship thinking that it is absolutely impossible for me to convert.. i'm more of a now person than a future person... i think there's reason to everything.. u're in relationships for a reason... therefore.. u kinda like have no control over it.... hahaha.. good luck with malay boys!! love ya!! *mwah*

Joash Chan said...

Wow, I think this comments have brought out a lot of stuff to be discussed and worked out. Too many opinions and questions...

A lot of you all are saying that "as long as you're feeling good" line... Anyone here feels like your opinion might just be wrong or inaccurate? Or do you think that because we are emotional beings, there are no absolute truths?

Maybe we need someone older and wiser to speak...