Saturday, April 02, 2005


Hmm.. havent updated it in a while have i.. well, its mainly because i havent had anything i want to express lately.. let's see.. scars in ur life reminds you that the past was real.. got that from a song.. i find alot of truth in it. the past affects the future, past experiences make you the person you are today.. it can make a turn for the better or the opposite, the worst. every person leads a different type of life, and every person in some point of his/her life reaches the stage.. the stage where they reach a point where they just feel like breaking down.. running away from it all.. no matter how tough or cheerful they may seem on the outside.. it happens to every single one of us and it may be because of the things that you've done in the past or any other reason for that matter. somehow, it happens at a very unexpected time.. guess thats the life God prepared for us.. you never know what might happen next. it might happen tomorrow, next week, next month or even five years down the road. you can never tell. it even came as a surprise to me.

* I don't seem to be getting any comments lately.. whoever thats reading this blog, please leave me a comment! i wanna get ur opinions.. hehe.. but i wont be picky so anything's fine :)

p.s. i miss you yc!

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