Wednesday, April 02, 2008

When You Wake Up at 4 in the Afternoon

Yeah. I know its bad to wake up so late but I really can't help it >.<
I was totally obssessed with Grey's last night.
Finally caught up to the latest episode of Season 4. Whee.

All I have to say is that, Meredith and McDreamy need to be together.
I mean they belong together. No matter how dark and twisty Meredith is.
The show seems more um.. happy when they are. Hehe.

And I really prefer the first 3 seasons compared to the latest.
Honestly, the show is just not the same without Addison and Burke.
Then again, the show has already been confirmed for the fifth season, so let's hope they'll make a comeback.
Hmm.. I really should check out Kate Walsh's spin off show, Private Practice.
Hope I'll have some time for that.

So anyway, this is what you resort to when you've got absolutely nothing to do during the holidays.
Watch tv shows till the wee hours of the morning.

Then you wake up the next day thinking, "Shit. Its four. I've been sleeping the whole day. That sucks."

I have this bad habit of only waking up after 10 straight hours of sleep.
Very bad. I need to fix that.

After waking up to a rainy afternoon, I decided I was too lazy to go to the gym. Heh.
Well it was raining.
Rain makes you more lazy than usual. = P

I thought to myself, I should bake instead.
With the help of Betty Crocker of course. Lol. =P
Yeah I haven't tried making cookies from scratch before. One day.. One day.

And this is how they turned out.

I hope you feel like having a cookie now. Hehe.

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