Sunday, June 17, 2007

Uber Cool Feature

Its been a long time since I've posted an entry. I wonder if people still visit this page.. Lol.

Anyway, I noticed something today. I mean I guess I'm kinda slow but yeah, oh well.
As we all know, there's this feature on MSN Messenger that allows you to write personal messages at the end of our nicknames. I just realised what a great way it is to express how you're feeling at any given time.

I mean, take a look at the personal messages written by the people on your MSN contact list. They're all different. Some are 'emo', some are happy, some are random. And some just can't be explained or understood unless you ask that person about it.

I think in a way that's what makes it cool. Let's face it, how many people on your contact list do you actually talk to? I think it would be roughly 10 in a hundred people for me. Or even less. So, eventhough you don't talk to the rest of the people on your list much, through what they write on their personal message slot, it gives you a teeny bit of insight into what's going on in their lives.

I don't know about you, but sometimes if someone has a very upsetting message written, I'd be inclined to ask them what the matter is and if they wanted to talk about it. Everyone needs a little comforting sometimes, right?

So the whole point of this post was.. Actually, there is no point =P I was just bored and while going through my MSN Messenger window, the whole personal message thingie just hit me as this really cool and smart invention haha.

Anyway, I'm gonna be moving blogs soon. I feel its.. Time. Haha. Once I get the time to set up my new blog of course. Now let's just hope I update the new one more often =) Toodles.

1 comment:

SGRMSE. said...

heyy sayang [=

mel here. and i SO know you're gonna hate me for this (lol) but HEYY i changed my blog add for like, the 34413466460058211159352560th time!

i love you sangatsangat! and yes, i *still* visit your page <3