Wednesday, April 11, 2007


If you were a compulsive or even a not-so-complusive blogger who blogged about anything and everything..
What you do everyday,
Your exact thoughts at that certain moment or any moment for that matter,
And then published it online for all the world to see and judge,

What would be left for you in the end?
What will happen to the one thing that you used to able to call your own? Your thoughts.
Doesn't hurt to be mysterious once in a while does it?


Jian said...

ive always wanted to know...
wheres ur chatbox gurl!! =P

Anonymous said...

Part of what makes a good writer is knowing how to touch it where it hurts.So maybe writers are very public profiles after all *shrugs*

joe said...

Agreed.You have to know how to filter your feelings; yet be able to let it out at the same time.Once you get the concept, it can be quite liberating.Imagine, having allowed millions of people access your thoughts, yet have them not really know anything about them.

Ally said...

well, it's true that people know how u feel and stuff.. n that is kind of freaky.. so what makes us keep blogging despite all that??

i think it's the thought that in the end none of that really matters.. what matters is that we get to express ourselves..

after all.. aren't humans selfish??