Thursday, March 17, 2005


The feeling that we get when we feel all alone.. with no one to turn to.. loneliness is what it is. ur surrounded by friends and family, even people whom you trust very much and feel comfortable with. yet that feeling is still there. the feeling that no one understands what ur going through. the feeling that ur life is very much different from others.. much harder. ur supposed to live ur life the best way you can but it seems to me it becomes a burden day by day. on the surface, people see you as normal. but on the inside, they have no clue about what ur going through. how you really live ur life. the pain that you go through each day. going to bed every single night just thinking about what to do about it. its just a cover up. a big lie. everyone has dark secrets.. it may look like they lead perfect lives.. but we should consider our judgements next time. you see, the more you get that feeling, the more i think you should be strong. its just satan messing with you. and ive come to realise that God will always be there no matter what. He will provide you with all that you need. all you need to do is have faith.
*Philippians 4:13

p.s. Thanks annonymous. its been right in front of my eyes all along but i never noticed it till now. and you helped me ;)


Anonymous said... doesn't really sound like u. i would have thought it was written by someone else. Btw....cheer up!!
life gets better =D

Anonymous said...

sheryl!! why u feeling sooo down! u know what u should do. eat chocolate.