Monday, November 28, 2005


Its been freakin long since my last update. i feel i owe it to myself to update this blog once in a while. these past few months has been.. awesome i would say :) ive been having so much fun that ive been completely oblivious to the people and the things that are happening around me. i know this is weird but, it feels like a really selfish act. seems like i used to care so much, too much maybe and now i dont. so lately ive met alot of new people yeah.. and i cant help but judging this new set of people that ive met. old friendships die.. and new ones are formed. they're the same people of course.. but it feels different because i dont trust them? im not sure if its even called trust but its just different. like its just a lie and everything's fake. yeah so what if you talk to them all the time? it just feels like empty and hollow conversations. although i know that i should be very grateful for those who listen.. i feel like a burden to them cos its always one sided. it feels like "why the hell would i wanna listen to your stupid problems?" is all this supposed to be normal? i dont think that im the greatest listener or greatest friend in the world for that matter. but right now i dont believe that there is a genuine individual out there. i think we are all really fake people who pretend to be something that we're not just the please everyone, one way or another. including myself. we only see it in other people but we dont realise that we too act that way. it just seems more prominent in some. human beings just cant be trusted and are just too self absorbed to care about anything else but themselves. i guess the only one you can trust is God.

* Hopefully there's someone reading this then. happy commenting.